6.S660 Engineering Leadership Practicum

Fall, TR 1:00pm-3:00pm, E25-117

Units: 6 (4-0-2)

Instructor: Monica Pheifer (mpheifer@mit.edu)


Course Description:


Experience a unique opportunity to act as members of and lead teams in a series of activities and case studies that simulate engineering leadership challenges. Develop leadership, teamwork, and communication skills both within team dynamics and with external stakeholders. The interactive and experiential learning environment extends to team meeting frameworks, teams of teams, and peer feedback to help leaders and teams reflect and improve over the course of the semester. 


Each week will include discussion around a team dynamic, communication, or leadership skill, an experiential learning challenge for teams to tackle while practicing the skills they've learned, and dedicated time for team work and meetings. The teaching team and mentors will be available to provide guidance and support as the teams progress through their challenges.


This course counts towards the Graduate Certificate in Technical Leadership. Limited enrollment - Apply now!